
Posts Tagged ‘virtual conference’

Another Social Media Weapon in your Arsenal

The Virtual Conference. 

While some of my colleagues have been at Sapphire 2009 in Orlando, FL, this week, those of us here in our global offices have been able to engage with customers and influencers in a different way. Insights from Sapphire ’09 is our virtual version of the show, and it’s been fun, engaging and effective in putting our social media efforts to work, while combining a rich and informative environment for our customers, all the while lowering the cost of participation in the carbon.

Insights from (virtual) Sapphire '09

Insights from (virtual) Sapphire '09

Leading up to the virtual event, invites were sent out to prospects and to the press and analysts who couldn’t be present at the live Sapphire ‘09 event. The “Insights From Sapphire” virtual environment kicks off with an avatar welcome, and then invites you to the show floor to explore and chose an area of interest: a Theater, demo pod, a live streaming roundtable, or expert chat. While one of the keynotes is happening at the in-person Sapphire event, there is live streaming to the virtual audience. During that time, twitter feeds are viewable, and Virtual Sapphire chat windows are present for the virtual members of the audience. It goes something like this:


Vanessa: Is it starting soon?

Kate: I am checking…

Jeff: Hello channel people

Vanessa: Hey Jeff

Vanessa: Are you in Orlando Jeff?

Kate: Hi all

Kate: Just got word that this roundtable is starting 5 minutes late.

Jeff: No, not there this year.

Vanessa: How long is it is it going to be the roundtable?

Glen: The roundtable will go till 11 am

Vanessa: Thanks because I am on the west coast and I need to leave for work

Vanessa: Can I have the names and titles of all the spokespeople?

Glen: Jeff, SVP SME Marketing

Glen: Tom, Head of SME Sales, US

Vanessa: Who is speaking now?


This effort requires hosts, concierges, moderators and staff to host the participants at the event. As a virtual concierge, I was responsible for introducing myself, encouraging questions and keeping the conversation going by proactively welcoming those who entered the booth or session. Since our theme this year is Clear Enterprise and “See Your Way Clear”, our message of “being a transparent, sustainable and agile organization, a “clear enterprise”, for companies to become best-run businesses: “helping you build stronger relationships with customers, and gain greater visibility into your business” carries a powerful message reaching far and wide.

Beyond knowledge to guide participants through the space, staffing the Virtual environment includes: Monitoring each demo pod Q&A on a regular basis, (each demo has a moderating component for Q&A at the bottom), engaging with customers as they enter the booth via both group chat windows and via 1:1 chats, routing those prospects seeking more details to the appropriate hand off for a deeper dive and last but not least, ensuring that as your staffing time is up another colleague is in the booth ready to take over.

I have to say it’s a lot of fun. Of course, you need to get used to several new audio cues, since running a twitter dashboard like Tweetdeck has its own unique sound, while Virtual Sapphire cues you when people enter and exit and when chats are happening in demo pods and virtual streamed Roundtables. When you consider the reach across influencers, geographic regions and the power of a live audience to ignite a discussion, this is a powerful way to reach out and have a dialogue in a new way!